Minneapolis Quirky Details & 1st Time Traveler Info
The Twin Cities refers to the metropolitan area surrounding both Minneapolis and St. Paul. Anyone who says “the Schwinn Twitties” is just trying to be cute.
The state income tax rate ranges from 5.35% to 7.85%. There is no local income tax. The state sales tax rate is 6.5%, and the local sales tax rate is 0.5%.
According to city-data.com, the five largest employers in the Twin Cities area are the State of Minnesota, the US Government, Target, the University of Minnesota, and the Mayo Clinic.
The weather will come up in conversation. Locals say that there are two seasons in Minneapolis: Winter and Road Construction.
The skyways are something to see and to walk through. Connecting 50 square blocks throughout the city, these enclosed walkways enable residents to live, work, shop, and eat – all without going outside. This comes in handy in below-zero weather.
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