Dental Travel – How to Save Money While Being on Vacation

Dental Travel - How to Save Money While Being on Vacation

Dental Travel- Why would someone travel to get dental treatment abroad?

Dentures are very expensive, therefore dental travel makes sense to lots of people. Dental implants, crowns and bridges can quickly gather a few thousand Euro. The statutory health insurance usually covers only a fraction of the cost and avoids paying any costs for cosmetic dental works. Since dental travel is close to many patients, they ask the price question:

Would it be cheaper in foreign countries and do they offer the same quality standards?

In fact in Europe and worldwide you’ll be able to find many dental travel packages. Those are usually created by the most advanced practices that have recognized the potential of dental tourism and they combine it with good service and excellent technical standards foreign patients expect to receive. But there are some black sheep as well. Therefor even hospitals benefit from the new boom in tooth tourism that are not technically equipped and educated according to Western Standards.

If you think about taking a dental travel treatment abroad, it is important to note a few things:

  • What is the website impression of the clinic?
  • Do they offer reliable information or advertising?
  • Is there a chance to get advise in detail before you go there?
  • What options are there for treatment if complications arise?

Those who live near the borderline know the benefits of the EU: Cross the borderline to buy fuel cheaper – or go to the foreign dentist. A future vision? In Brandenburg/Germany it became reality at least for AOK (Major Health Insurance Company) members. This health insurance has signed fixed contracts with dentists in Poland. Since the AOK pays the usual fixed subsidy it is enough to pay for the treatment completely in the neighboring country.

When it comes to dental treatment abroad, the health insurance companies agree: For patients there is a chance to save money. “Above all an insured person residing in the border area will be able to compare prices and services.” a Techniker Krankenkasse spokes person said. For all patients it might be worth to combine a vacation for example with a dental treatment. The AOK runs on Mallorca even a business residence.

If you want to avoid the relatively high priced Spain you should consider Eastern Europe, however, don’t get trapped by former stereotypes: the most modern dental clinic in Europe is Dentaprime – and is located in Varna / Bulgaria. The clinic was opened in June 2006 and is on the cutting edge of technology.

Quality depends on the doctor – in Germany too

The European Consumer Centre confirms: “Training, laboratory quality and dental treatment abroad are not always worse than in Germany.” This statement sounds cautious, however, it is a fundamental challenge shown in an investigation of the Stiftung Warentest. They sent three subjects to 30 medical practices in Germany and abroad for their dental treatment advice. It turned out that the offerings varied greatly in price and quality – both in Germany and abroad.


The deciding factor was not the country but the individual physician, even if it requires Dental Travel.