Tiny Group Tours & Travel, Large Adventures
Are we there yet? Haven’t you heard these moans from the back seat over the years? If waiting to arrive tests the patience and boredom threshold of your troglodytes, imagine the ramp up to travel. So you understand the need to have for some, ahhhhhhh anticipatory gifts to ease their boredom, minimize the whines and give a hint of peace to Mom and Dad.
I identified this fascinating quick movie on my Facebook timeline. The several readers of my weblog know of the current publication of my book Hầu Đồng: The Spirit Mediums of Viet Nam (on Amazon ), and this short movie which was filmed in 1934 not only fits perfectly fits in the book’s narrative, but also provides me with an incomparable view of the previous, and how the ceremonies I documented had been conducted more than 80 years ago.
That’s my dream-travel. Back here in the Philippines, …
Tiny Group Tours & Travel, Large Adventures Read More